
As EWH DTU is a voluntary organization, we rely on contributions from external partners. Over the years, we have worked well with a number of companies, organizations and foundations, which we greatly appreciate.
As a voluntary organization, any kind of contribution is appreciated, whether it's financially or in terms of things like tools, educational equipment or something else. We are always interested in joining a dialogue. Are you or are your company interested in a cooperation, you are more than welcome to contact ewh.dtu@gmail.com.
EWH DTU would like to acknowledge and send a great thanks to the funds, organizations and companies that enabled the students to participate in projects worldwide.
Asta og Jul P.Justensens fond
Oticon Fonden
Lauritzen Fonden
EWH Financial Aid
Fonden af d.24 December 2008
Linexfonden, Frede Duelund Nielsens Fond
Ole Kirks Fond
Det Arnstedtske Familiefond
Otto Mønsteds Fond
Fabriksejer, Civilingeniør Louis Dreyer Myhrwold og Hustru Janne Myhrwolds fond
Dansk Medicoteknisk Selskab (DMTS)
Fonden af 17-12-1981
Wellspect Healthcare
Knud Højgaards Fond
William demant Fonden
Nine United
Københavns Universitet
Roskilde Fonden
Jubilæumsfonden 12.08.1973
Civil ingeniør H.C Bechgaard og hustru fonden.