

As EWH DTU is a voluntary organization, we rely on contributions from external partners. Over the years, we have worked well with a number of companies, organizations and foundations, which we greatly appreciate.

As a voluntary organization, any kind of contribution is appreciated, whether it's financially or in terms of things like tools, educational equipment or something else. We are always interested in joining a dialogue. Are you or are your company interested in a cooperation, you are more than welcome to contact ewh.dtu@gmail.com.

EWH DTU would like to acknowledge and send a great thanks to the funds, organizations and companies that enabled the students to participate in projects worldwide.

  • DMTS 

  • Asta og Jul P.Justensens fond

  • Oticon Fonden

  • Lauritzen Fonden

  • EWH Financial Aid

  • Fonden af d.24 December 2008

  • Linexfonden, Frede Duelund Nielsens Fond

  • Ole Kirks Fond

  • Verdensbilledlegatet

  • Det Arnstedtske Familiefond

  • Otto Mønsteds Fond

  • Fabriksejer, Civilingeniør Louis Dreyer Myhrwold og Hustru Janne Myhrwolds fond

  • Dansk Medicoteknisk Selskab (DMTS)

  • Fonden af 17-12-1981

  • Wellspect Healthcare

  • Knud Højgaards Fond

  • William demant Fonden 

  • Nine United 

  • Københavns Universitet 

  • BHJ-Fonden

  • Roskilde Fonden

  • Jubilæumsfonden 12.08.1973

  • Civil ingeniør H.C Bechgaard og hustru fonden.