Engineering World Health DTU (EWH DTU) is a student chapter of the American-founded EWH. Our vision is to improve healthcare technology in developing countries by utilizing the members’ engineering skills. Due to the broad interest and vision of EWH DTU, the organization consists of five groups each with its own area of focus: Projects, Workshops, Education, Going Abroad & Fundraising and PR & Networking. Each year, a new Board is selected at the general assembly, and it is the board's task to organize the overall strategy and objectives, manage the economy and provide contact with EWH, DTU and other external partners. There is a committee responsible for each of the five groups in the Board, while committee coordinators are elected among the members of each committee. A large part of the work lies in the individual groups, which within the purpose of the association have a very free framework for what they will work on. It is up to the individual committee to choose the directions that they find interesting.
We are proud to have sent engineering students to selected developing countries since 2014. Our summer institutes include Tanzania, Nepal, Rwanda, Nicaragua, Mongolia and much more. In these countries, our members help increase the value of the medical equipment by repairing broken ones, putting donated equipment into use and teaching the local staff proper handling of the devices.