Going abroad

The group in charge of going abroad and fundraising aims to send engineering students to developing countries every year for the purpose of repairing damaged equipment as well as training the local health professionals in the use of the equipment. The students currently have the opportunity to be sent to one of the five destinations: Nepal, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Rwanda and Tanzania. Before and after going abroad, students spend time on fundraising money for the same purpose. The fundraising is coordinated by the responsible board member, who ensures that we can send as many students abroad. Whether you want to be going abroad or not, feel free to be active in the group and still make a valuable contribution and get some fundraising experience.

Please feel free to write to our email if you wish to go abroad. 


EWH DTU Summer Institute Nepal


Engineering World Health's Summer Institute (SI) is a great way to explore the world while getting the opportunity to use your theoretical knowledge in a practical context and making a big difference for others.

Since 2004, over 750 program participants have repaired over 8700 medical devices, estimated by EWH to have a value of almost $ 18.8 million.

EWH DTU offers a SI Nepal program every summer. The students will be sent to hospitals in Nepal where they will help repair and maintain medical equipment. Especially after the great earthquake in 2015, there is a great need for help building the health sector in Nepal, still suffering from the major natural disaster.

This program can only be applied if you are a former EWH SI participant (EWH Alumni) or a student at one of the five Nordic Five Tech Schools (Chalmers in Gothenburg, KTH in Stockholm, NTNU in Trondheim, Aalto University in Helsinki and DTU).

If you are not EWH alumni, the program starts with a three week preparation course in June at DTU in Kongens Lyngby. The early application round for EWH DTU members has deadline on 30 December, while the deadline for applying is February 1. It should be emphasized that it is EWH that stands for selecting students who are admitted to the program. This is not something that the EWH DTU is in charge of, but you should be welcome to contact EWH DTU for advice and guidance. You can read more about DTU's course at DTU's course database

If you are interested in finding out more, you are welcome to read more about the program on the EWH website: www.ewh.org or on the direct page www.ewh.org/nepalsummer. You are welcome to contact EWH DTU's broadcast group or write directly to EWH at nepal@ewh.org.